Totally respect your right to make your own choice here, Sean.
I would caution you, however, to make sure you're presenting these ideas as your own feelings or assumptions about what having kids would be like for you, and not as objective realities.
You can speak to your own feelings with complete authority. But since you don't have kids, you can't speak to what the experience is actually like. Just as you wouldn't presume to tell someone what it's like to be female, or make assumptions about what life is like for a person of another ethnic or racial background, I'd caution you against making assumptions about what like is like for parents. Otherwise, you risk sharing sterotypes and assumptions as if they're reality.
For example, I disagree with the assumption that kids restrict your freedom. As a dad of three who is also a full time creator and food/travel photographer, I can tell you that kids don't restrict your freedom more than anything else in life (jobs, finances, mental or physical health, pandemics.) Those who say otherwise are much like those who say "You'll never make it as a writer" or "You can't quit your job and become an entrepreneur"--naysayers who you can cheerfully ignore if you're willing to do things in your own way and to dispense with assumptions about how life has to be.
Again, if you don't want to have kids, that's your choice, and people should respect that. But I would ask you not to make assumptions about what other peoples' lived realities are like, or what it's like to have an exerience that you've never personally had. Kids may not be right for you, and you may personally feel that kids are overrated. But your feelings are not reflective of other peoples' life experiences. Again, I'm a dad of three and it's one of the best things I can possibly imagine ever doing. I've never regretted it for a single moment.